Kemper System
Your partner for professional waterproofing and coating systems

Our membrane installation video features a step-by-step demonstration of a complete membrane systemapplication including surface preparation and application of the primer, resin and fleece.

For more information such as application guidelines, product data sheets, material safety data sheets, CAD drawings and more go to our technical data base here


Video Sequences (no audio)


Waterproofing of drains

Connection of drains to the full surface

Fleece cuttings for waterproofing drains

Waterproofing of air-conditioning plants

Fleece cuttings for waterproofing air-conditioning plants

Waterproofing of sky lights

Fleece cuttings for sky lights

Waterproofing of ventilation pipes

Fleece cuttings for waterproofing of ventilation pipes

Waterproofing of a flat roof

Waterproofing of edges

Waterproofing of a wall joint